Code 3 Boston Ambulance Number 6 (12105)

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Code 3 Boston Ambulance Number 6 (12105)
Code 3 Boston Ambulance Number 6 (12105)
Item# 12105-M
Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days


Product Description

Code 3 Boston Ambulance Number 6 (12105)
Code 3 Boston Ambulance Number 6 (12105)

Scale: 1/64
Release: August 1999
Edition Quantity: 3,000

Boston EMS is a community based Public Health Service that efficiently provides and manages the integrated pre-hospital care system for the City of Boston. Our emphasis is excellence in patient care, employee development, and cultural diversity.

We provide basic and advanced life support, ambulance transportation, emergency medical telecommunications and dispatch systems, and regional coordination of medical communications, medical incident command, community education, and special event coverage.
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Code 3 Boston Ambulance Number 6 (12105) Code 3 Boston Ambulance Number 6 (12105)


All Code 3 Fire Trucks & Emergency Vehicles are:
Brand New
Mint in Dome
Never Opened

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